Ultimately, it is people that make the difference. Each member of the MarkOps team is wholly dedicated to solving the business challenges facing our clients. For us, they always come first… everything else follows after.
Ultimately, it is people that make the difference. Each member of the MarkOps team is wholly dedicated to solving the business challenges facing our clients. For us, they always come first… everything else follows after.


Marketing to the medical community is never easy. Strict regulations, a crowded landscape and an often sceptical audience, mean that many communications fail to make the desired impact.
This is why, when tackling the issue of atrophic vaginitis, a treatable condition that causes discomfort and embarrassment for upwards of 4 million women in the UK, targeting was key, with the focus on the practice nurses that worked at 2,400 Well Women Clinics throughout the country.
Because it is a sensitive subject for patients, and there is little knowledge of the condition amongst healthcare professionals, the primary role of the campaign was to educate practise nurses to spot the signs of vaginal dryness and proactively offer advice to their patients. The goal was to make Sylk the brand of choice for The UK Menopause Nurse Group and The National Federation of Oncology Nurses – so that it could gain endorsements from and be widely recommended by leading consultants, doctors, gynaecologists, nurse specialists and oncologists.
This was achieved through a suite of educational materials sent to 4,600 healthcare professionals. These included eCRM newsletters to patients, medical conference and doctor consultation literature, sell-in presentations to medical practices, and ongoing national PR approaches to female targeted magazines and newspapers.